Another week, another step on Foxes' inexorable march towards supernova pop stardom. "Youth" first dropped jaws late last year and was followed by the equally massive "White Coats" last month, but new demo "Let Go For Tonight" may well end up being the biggest single in her arsenal. Co-written by veteran London songsmith Kid Harpoon, whose fingerprints are all over the new Florence + the Machine record, "Let Go For Tonight" is Lou at her rawest and most visceral. As intertwining piano lines begin to take hold and the lights start to dim, Lou's voice pierces through the darkness like a heavensent beacon of hope. Even in early demo form, it resonates with the ferocious insatiability of a bloodthirsty gladiator, perhaps due to the fact that there's no one quite like her in the pop arena right now. The Warrior EP (on which this features) is out July 3rd, but don't miss Foxes make her long-awaited London debut at our Popshop UK launch tonight at Camp. LEGGO FOR TONIGHT.
MP3: "Let Go For Tonight" - Foxes