We're hardly halfway through it, but this year has already been a golden one for the fairer coast, and Beat Club are the latest hopefuls looking to make a name for themselves in the flourishing LA music scene. Touting ex-members of Low vs Diamond and Julian Casablancas's touring band, the trio's debut single "Something Better" is just a wrecking ball of rugged indie pop. Unfolding with a funky and syncopated intro like the Fresh Prince theme song in skinny jeans and hipster glasses, it's not long before serrated guitar lines shred through the disguise and hook into you with razor sharp talons. Then without warning, that soaring, ebullient chorus let's loose and the rest is history. Like Foster The People covering Tokyo Police Club under a massive beach umbrella, it's pretty much it's own unique strain of massively contagious pop, so just sit back and let it take you over.
MP3: "Something Better" - Beat Club [exclusive]
MP3: "Something Better" - Beat Club [exclusive]