Westward expansion was only a matter of time, and now the Neon Gold manifest destiny has been fully realized as Popshop West is born. Back for the very first time, we're teaming up with Hit City USA to bring our monthly NYC mainstay to the fairer coast, kicking off Monday April 9th with a very special, very FREE launch party at The Echoplex. Headlining are none other than everyone's favorite new band HAIM, with support from white hot LA heatseekers Wildcat! Wildcat! and Ko Ko. Then on the decks we've got our resident DJ's Captain Cuts, keeping things moving all night long alongside westside partystarters Guns In The Sun. It all kicks off April 9th from 8pm to late for the low, low price of FREE AS SHIT, so come out and get involved LA, it's gonna be a good ass night. RSVP:
DOWNLOAD: "Forever" - HAIM
DOWNLOAD: "Mr. Quiche" - Wildcat! Wildcat!
STREAM: "Float" - KO KO
STREAM: "Colours (Captain Cuts Remix)" - Grouplove